Our board of directors, coaching staff, participants and families are expected to demonstrate this both on and off the field.
Participants in our Football & Cheer program live primarily in Brentwood, Oakley, Discovery Bay, Antioch and other East Contra Costa County Cities. We do accept applicants from surrounding communities.
The Lions were in founded in 1990 by Mario and Gale Camilli. East County is part of the EBYFC East Bay Youth Football and Cheer Association. The association is made up of 16+ organizations.
In 2024, we fielded 9 football and 4 cheer squads, made-up of youth participants grouped by age and weight as guided by the EBYFC rules. All participation guidelines are set forth by the conference. The maximum size of our football squads is limited to 36 players and our goal to get keep as many kids as allowed. Football workouts and evaluations typically begin around mid-July. Our coaching staff determines the final team rosters. In some cases we must cut potential players for safety reason or behavior issues. Our cheer squads are also determined by a tryout process which typically takes place in April or May. .
Football and Cheer practices begin in mid-July and continue through the season until late November. Practices and Home Games are typically held in the Brentwood area.
All participants and parents are required to follow a “Code of Conduct” which serves the purpose of outlining requirements and expectations of the Lions. Participants must maintain a minimum grade-point average and are encouraged to strive to obtain various “Scholar Athlete” awards set forth by the Lions and the conference.
In summary, our goals for both football and cheer are to prepare participants for the standards of high school participation. This is a team sport which requires athletic endurance, commitment, strength, discipline, and hard work. We focus on helping our participants to achieve the highest standards of being both a student and an athlete.
2024 Season all levels for Competition and Novice made the playoffs. Three of the teams made it to the Turkey Bowl Championship.
– Junior Varsity Novice won the Championship vs the San Ramon T-Birds
– Varsity Novice won the Championship vs the San Ramon T-Birds
2023 Season All levels for Competition and Novice made the Playoffs. Four out of Eight teams made it to the Turkey Bowl Champioships.
– Pee Wee level avenged their only loss to the Oakley Jr. Falcons and won the Championship
– Novice Jr. Varsity went undefeated and won their Championship
– Varsity competetion went undefeated and won their Championship
2022 Season All levels for Competition and Novice made the Playoffs. Varsity Competition team went undefeated and won the TurkeyBowl. Junior Varsity Novice team won the TurkeyBowl.
2021 All levels went undefeated and won all EBYFC Turkey Bowl Championships
2020 Joined the EBYFC East Bay Youth Football & Cheer Association
2019 Season All 4 Level made the Playoff
Rookies Football won the 2019 NCYFC Super Bowl Championships
Rookies & Jr. Varsity Cheer placed 1st in the NCYFC Cheer Competition
2018 Season All 4 Level made the Playoff
Varsity Football won the 2018 NCYFC Super Bowl Championships
2017 Season All 4 Level made the Playoff
Varsity Football won the 2017 NCYFC Super Bowl Championships
2015 “44-3 Overall Record”
Joined the NCYFC
All 4 Levels won South East Division Titles
Rookies & Varsity won South Conference Titles and NCYFC Super Bowl Championships
2014 “58-2 Overall Record”
All 4 Levels made it to the Playoffs
Scouts went undefeated the entire season
Jr. Pee Wees NEYFCA Turkey Bowl Conference Champions (Undefeated)
Jr. Midgets NEYFCA Turkey Bowl Conference Champions (Undefeated)
Midgets NEYFCA Turkey Bowl Conference Champions
All 4 Levels made it to the Playoffs
Jr. Pee Wees DVYFC Turkey Bowl Conference Champions
Jr. Pee Wees Inter-Conference Champs
Midgets DVYFC Turkey Bowl Conference Champions
Pee Wee DVYFC Turkey Bowl Runner Up
All 4 Levels made it to Playoffs
Scouts Undefeated Season
Jr. Pee Wee Undefeated Season
Jr. Pee Wees DVYFC Turkey Bowl Conference Champions
Jr. Pee Wees Inter-Conference Champs
Jr. Midget Undefeated Season
Jr. Midget DVYFC Turkey Bowl Conference Champions
Jr. Midget Inter-Conference Champs
Midgets DVYFC Turkey Bowl Conference Champions
Midget Inter-Conference Champs
3 Levels made it to the Playoffs
Pee Wees Undefeated Season
Pee Wees DVYFC Turkey Bowl Conference Champions
Pee Wees Inter-Conference Champs